Starts January 3, 2022

Release weight, reduce bloat and chronic pain and finally see transformation in just 21 days!

Do you ever feel that no matter how much you exercise or focus on "clean eating" your body just doesn't respond the way you'd like it to?  If so, it's likely that your "internal machinery" is not functioning properly.  Sign up below to join my 21 Day Gut Health Reset Challenge to heal your gut, rev up your metabolism, and get back your energy and vitality and transform your body.

Does this happen to you, too?


These two photos were taken 6 days apart.
The first photo was taken on March 31, 2020 and the second on April 6, 2020.
For the majority of 2020 I was suffering from massive gut issues.  Some of it was due to stress - like many gym owners and small businesses, Covid swept the rug from under my feet and I was in a constant state of pivoting and reinvention.   As exhilarating as it was, my body was in a chronic state of fight or flight.
But the other greater cause of my gut issue, was that I had transitioned into an almost completely vegan diet about one year prior and reintroduced many foods that I had not eaten in many years. Initially, I was feeling really good - more energized then I could remember.  I was on a high - until the gut issues started.
I Want to Join the Challenge!
online fitness coach canada
online fitness coach canada

We can't release weight or transform our bodies if our gut is in a constant state of inflammation.


Unless I was in a fasted state, my belly ballooned the moment I ate anything.  I was in constant pain and discomfort, unable to get a night of restful sleep or manage my mood, and having hard time recovering from training.
I spent the last 5 months of 2020 restoring my gut health.  It started with a 21 day complete reset with probiotics and other powerful supplements, a water fast to heal my gut, and then careful reintroduction of foods.  Since then, I have been able to tolerate and digest all the foods that were once causing inflammation without any issues at all.

On January 3rd, I will guide you through a 21 DAY GUT HEALTH RESET CHALLENGE and share with you the exact protocol I used to restore my gut health and turn my body into a fat burning machine.


I'm Ready to Heal My Gut and Transform my Body
Every time we "crash diet" or remove entire food groups from our diet as we do with keto and low carb diets, we risk to kill off the bacteria responsible for breaking down our food.
Our gut microbiome is responsible for digesting our food, activating and regulating hormones, synthesizing vitamins, oxidizing fats and stored energy, and housing our immune system.

Do you ever feel that no matter how much you exercise or focus on "clean eating" your body just doesn't respond the way you'd like it to? 


The good news, Athlete, is that it's not you! You're doing all the right things, but your machinery is not functioning optimally. What you may be experiencing is a sluggish metabolism due to dysbiosis.
If you're experiencing increased fatigue, poor sleep, weight gain, bloating, chronic pain, and sexual dysfunction - these are potential signs of a sluggish metabolism.
I Want to Join the Challenge!

What is the 21 Day Gut Health Reset Challenge?


Starting January 3rd, I will guide you through the 21 Day Protocol that I used to heal my gut, get back my energy and transform my body into a fat-burning machine.  Over these 21 days, we will:

🌟 Learn about and remove the foods causing inflammation
🌟 Learn about the most powerful supplements that heal the gut and restore balance
🌟 Incorporate 21 Days of inflammation-reducing 10-Minute workouts and yoga sessions suitable for ALL LEVELS
🌟 Follow a very flexible meal structure suitable for all palates to heal our gut and balance our macros
🌟 Learn new recipes and tips on how to cook the most delicious, healthy dishes
🌟 Work our way up to a 3 Day GUIDED Water (or juice) Fast to completely heal the gut and lay down a new, healthy gut lining
🌟 Slowly reintroduce foods through guided re-feeding
🌟 Learn to listen to the body and pick up signs of inflammation early



There's more...


🌟 The challenge content is entirely yours to keep after purchase, so you can reimplement the protocol at any time
🌟 Alongside with me, you will receive guidance and support throughout the 21 days from Nicholas Spohn, master hypnotist and subconscious programmer, to help you shift into new habits and life-style patterns.  Read more about Nicholas below.
🌟 Included in the 21 Day Gut Health Reset Challenge is a special cooking session with Chef Katie Mae, founder of The Culinary Gym, to help you make cooking plants easy and delicious.  Read more about Katie Mae below.
🌟 Also included in the challenge is a special gift, mailed right to your doorstep for FULL PARTICIPATION.  The super simple details and criteria will be emailed to you after registration.  EVERYONE can win!
🌟 And much much more that will be revealed to you over the 21 Days
Alright! I'm in!

Hi, I'm Sherry...


I'm a certified Athletic Therapist, an Osteopath, and a health and life coach from Montreal, Canada with over 20 years of experience helping people transform their health, fitness and athletic identity.
When I was 16, I was hit by a car and severely damaged my spine.  To avoid paralysis, I've had two major surgeries on my back and told that I would never play sports again. (You can read my full story here.)
Unable to accept this as my fate, I committed to healing myself by learning everything there was about injury management and prevention, training and conditioning, nutrition, gut health and mindset.
I believe we all have an obstacle, whether it be an injury, a disease, or a struggle with weight loss.  And my purpose is to serve and help others to shift their identity and become who they are meant to be.

Meet Nicholas Spohn.

Nicholas has devoted his life to all things personal development. Through studying health, spirituality, psychology, hypnosis, NLP, reiki and various other modalities he has created a comprehensive system to understand what drives human behaviour. His mission is to share these ideas with the world.

Meet Chef Katie Mae.

Katie Mae is the creator of The Culinary Gym, which was founded to inspire and empower people to transform their health and their lives through fresh, delicious plant foods.
Through her work, Katie Mae teaches hundreds of people how to turn plant foods into easy to make AMAZING meals.
I'm Ready to Heal My Gut and Transform my Body

Some frequently asked questions.


I'm Ready to Heal My Gut and Transform my Body